Utkan Emek SEÇGİN
He was born in Izmir, in 1981. He entered Anadolu University Department of Architecture in 1999. He transferred to Dokuz Eylul University Department of Architecture in 2000 and graduated in 2006. Practised architectural design, applications on site and industrial product design for 10 years. He founded US ARCHITECTURE CONSTRUCTION TRADE CO. in 2016. He is married to Burcu SEÇGİN.
She was born in Ankara, in 1984. She graduated from Dokuz Eylül University, Department of Architecture in 2006. Practiced architectural design, applications on site and restoration. She joined US ARCHITECTURE company in 2019. She is the mother of two children named Karin and Murat.
She was born on September 1, 2018 in Istanbul. She continues to be our source of motivation and energy with her benign and humane attitudes. She has 5 children.
He was born in Izmir on May 3, 2019 as the biggest of 5 kittens. Unlike her mother Shela, he deserved his name with his high tone of disturbing voice, endless desire to be loved and annoying attitudes.
He was born on February 26, 2020 in Burdur. Contrary to his scary appearance, he is very good-tempered and intelligent. He is living proof that you should not be prejudiced.Our togetherness continues with love and passion. We expect him to learn how to use a computer soon.